Course  ·  Part 5  ·  Assignment 34


Guided Brief: Create an Infographic

Sketch the Infographic

 Time limit: 1 hour

Remember to use your visual timer! We recommend the inventor’s iOS and Android apps — just search for “Time Timer” in the app store.



In the previous two assignments, you analysed the brief, and sketched ideas for how each set of data could be visualised.

In this assignment, you’ll continue sketching to explore how those different charts could be laid out and combined in a one-page infographic.



Sketch layout ideas

 Set your timer: 50 minutes

As with previous sketching assignments, start by drawing some page-shaped rectangles in your notepad so that you can explore different layouts as low-detail thumbnail sketches.

Aim to explore as many different layout possibilities as you can in the time available. If you get stuck, remember the idea generation methods we covered in Part 4, like the SCAMPER technique. For a refresher, open up the assignment about the graphic design process  .

At this stage, you could also explore how two or more sets of data could be combined in a single chart. However, this is not required, and remember that we should avoid creating unnecessary complexity, especially if it makes the information harder for people to understand.


Review the example solution

Once you’ve completed your work on this assignment, take a few minutes to review the example solution below.

Example solution


Coming soon!

We’re currently in soft launch, and this example solution will be added in the next few weeks.

Questions or comments?

In conclusion...

With all your sketching complete, in the next assignment it’s time to choose a layout, open up Figma, and digitise your design.

Assignment version 1.0
Last updated 7 June 2021

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