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Part 4

Graphic Design Basics

You’ll cover:

  • Typography, and how to choose and combine fonts
  • Colour, and how to build a colour palette
  • Layout, and how to use grids and spacing

Total time: 15 hours

Work through the assignments in order.
Links turn grey once you’ve opened them.



1. A brief history of graphic design
Read 10 minutes

2. The graphic design process
Read 10 minutes


3. Typography basics
Read 10 minutes

4. How to choose a font
Read 10 minutes

5. Working with type
Read 10 minutes

6. Ten typography tips
Read 10 minutes

7. Assess these font choices
Practise 1 hour

8. Choose a font
Apply 1 hour

9. How to combine fonts
Read 10 minutes

10. Assess these font combinations
Practise 1 hour

11. Choose a font combination
Apply 1 hour


12. Colour basics
Read 10 minutes

13. The structure of colour palettes
Read 10 minutes

14. How to create a colour palette
Read 10 minutes

15. Using colour in Figma
Read 10 minutes

16. Working with colour
Read 10 minutes

17. Ten colour tips
Read 10 minutes

18. Assess these colour choices
Practise 1 hour 30 minutes

19. Create a colour palette
Apply 1 hour 30 minutes


20. Layout basics
Read 10 minutes

21. Grid systems
Read 10 minutes

22. Spacing, whitespace, and empty space
Read 10 minutes

23. Ten layout tips
Read 10 minutes

24. Identify and assess grids in use
Practise 1 hour

25. Design a magazine spread using a grid
Apply 3 hours


26. Reflection on Part 4
Reflect 30 minutes

Finished Part 4? Nice work!

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If you’d like an expert eye on your efforts, why not book a one-off coaching call?

Head to Part 5 for your first big design brief, where you’ll start applying your knowledge about typography, colour, and layout.

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